Saturday, September 23, 2006


linux ifconfig compact output - part 2

Where to find the ifconfig source code?
Since Fedora Core is supposed to be open source,
it has got to be somewhere.
Turns out the Fedora home page
has a distribution page, and on that page,
there is a link to a mirror site.
Source SRPMs are available after all.

Which SRPM to get?
At the Fedora core 5 shell promt, find the path of ifconfig,
then find the package it belongs to.
Then assume that the SRPM has the same base name as the RPM.

which ifconfig

rpm -qf /sbin/ifconfig

So we need the net-tools SRPM.


It is a good idea to install RPM build tools as a non-privileged user.

yum install fedora-rpmdevtools

Then create an RPM build file directory structure:


After the above command, a file and a folder is created
in your homedir:

ls $HOME/.rpmmacros $HOME/rpmbuild

Then install the net-tools source

rpm --install net-tools-1.60-62.1.src.rpm

The above command install SRPMs in $HOME/rpmbuild
by default, no matter where your current working directory

Then build the net-tools:

cd $HOME/rpmbuild/SPECS
rpmbuild -ba net-tools.spec

On my test PC, there are a lot of warnings,
but no fatal errors I could see. I got a new ifconfig
binary after a few seconds. Lets do a test:


Output is the same as that from /sbin/ifconfig.
Now all we have to figure out is where to make a few changes.

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